Can COVID Cause Excessive Hair Loss?

Hair loss can happen for so many reasons. Trauma, medication, and stress are just a few external factors. Genetics and age also impact our hair and are, of course, out of our control. But could the recent coronavirus pandemic have caused hair loss for some people? It may surprise you to learn that the answer […]

COVID-19 and Hair Loss: Is There Any Connection?

If you’ve had COVID-19, you likely suffered from some combination of fever, chills, aches, shortness of breath, and cough. Unfortunately for some, the problems don’t go away even after COVID has left your body. One of the lingering effects that many have experienced is hair loss.  In this blog post, you’ll learn whether COVID-19 is […]

Is COVID-19 Causing Patients to Lose Their Hair?

Hundreds and thousands of people have lost their lives due to the Coronavirus. Besides that, people who have battled through and conquered the virus are now starting to experience hair loss. You wouldn’t expect to see a link between COVID-19 and hair loss, but studies have proven otherwise. A survey was conducted by Dr. Natalie […]