Trichotillomania: A Perplexing Disorder That’s Surprisingly Common

When it comes to mental health disorders, the most common one’s people know about are depression, bipolar, and schizophrenia. Despite those disorders being common, they are still misunderstood by those who have never experienced them. Trichotillomania is a surprisingly common disorder, but is a perplexing one that not well known. What Is It? Trichotillomania is […]

Trichotillomania: The Causes and Symptoms Hair-Pulling

Playing with one’s hair is a common habit exhibited by many people whether young or old. Some twirl a small lock around their finger or push their hair behind their ears out of mere habit. In most cases, this behavior is no cause for concern. In other cases, hair-pulling can actually lead to hair loss […]

Trichotillomania: A Curious Yet Common Disorder

“I’m so frustrated I could pull my hair out!” You’ve probably heard some variation of this statement or uttered it yourself. While it’s unclear who originally coined the “pulling my hair out” phrase, there’s a very real possibility that that person may have suffered from an unusual condition called trichotillomania — also known as recurrent […]