Understanding Hair Loss in Children

What comes to mind when you think of the term “hair loss?” More often than not, you might think of a middle-aged, balding adult. However, hair loss doesn’t only affect the adult population. It can also be a problem among children.  We typically lose 50 to 100 strands of hair daily due to new hair growth […]

Understanding Hair Loss in Children

People commonly associate hair loss with aging. In reality, however, people of all ages can suffer from this embarrassing issue, including children. Concerned parents can benefit from understanding what kinds of issues can cause hair loss in children, as well as possible solutions for managing or reversing the problem. Types and Causes of Pediatric Hair […]

Causes of Hair Loss in Children

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys in the world, but when you notice that something is wrong with your child, it can make you feel overwhelmed and helpless. One situation that can be quite perplexing is when your child starts to lose their hair. There are many different things that can cause […]