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A dry, itchy scalp and skin flakes in your hair make for an uncomfortable and embarrassing combination. Often, these symptoms result from dandruff, a common condition that plagues many people at times during their lives. But sometimes, dandruff treatments are not the answer. You may actually have psoriasis, a more complicated condition that requires specialized treatment.

Dandruff Basics

Dandruff, or seborrheic dermatitis, is a common skin affliction that leaves you with dry and flaky scalp areas. It has several causes. Usually, an excess of yeast will cause you to have an inflammatory reaction that produces flaking skin. Some hair care products may also cause an allergic reaction that causes these symptoms.

Most people battle dandruff at some time during their lives and overcome it by using special dandruff products or by changing their hair care routine. It’s annoying, but dandruff is a relatively minor dermatological complaint. 

Psoriasis Facts

Scalp psoriasis is a more severe condition caused by an issue with your immune system. In addition to white flakes, your psoriasis may appear as reddish or pink patches with white scales. In darker skin, the scales may be gray and the scalp patches purple. You can have a single patch or multiple areas affected, including your forehead, neck nape, and ears. 

Dandruff and Psoriasis Symptoms

Dandruff can cause a red scalp with white or brownish flakes. You may experience greasy skin and an uncomfortable itch. Over-scratching can also lead to scalp infections which require a doctor’s intervention. In contrast, psoriasis often creates large red and/or white “slabs” with silver scales. The itching can be intense and cause you to scratch off the scales, leading to even more skin irritation and possible infections. Also, severe scalp psoriasis can cause moderate to extreme hair loss in some patients. Dandruff is usually an annoyance, while psoriasis can be life-changing.

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

Dandruff can be treated with OTC products and a change in your hair care routine, but scalp psoriasis often requires a more intense approach. OTC medicated shampoos may be enough for mild cases, but many people need prescription shampoos containing corticosteroids to reduce discomfort and inflammation. Particularly serious cases may need methotrexate to calm your overactive immune system. 

Experts also recommend lifestyle changes to reduce stress and avoid high temperatures. You should also quit smoking and drinking alcohol, which may trigger the condition.  

Fortunately, psoriasis sufferers who experience significant hair loss can benefit from hair replacement options. 

Finding Help

If you are experiencing scalp irritation and flaking, visit your medical professional for advice on how to treat the condition. And if you are experiencing hair loss, Custom Hair can help. Book a free consultation today by clicking here.

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