What’s Causing Hair Loss in Men?

It’s a question that puzzled men throughout the ages – what’s causing my hair loss? While we can’t provide a definitive answer to your unique situation, we can share some common hair loss causes in men. The good news is that there are many ways to restore a headful of healthy hair. So, if you’re […]

Celebrities and Their Hair Loss Struggles

Hair loss can affect anyone at any age. The process of hair loss can lead to lowered self-esteem and feelings of anxiety and social phobia. Some celebrities have undergone hair loss, only to come out stronger and more confident than ever. These famous figures prove that hair loss is reversible, and sufferers can restore their […]

The Psychological Effects of Hair Loss in Women

Society has yet to accept the loss of hair among women as a norm. Thus, a woman that loses hair can feel depressed, and unattractive. As a woman, how can you overcome the effects of hair loss? How to react after noticing you’re losing your hair Women should take it as a health indicator that […]